The build scripts are primarily targeted for a single server environment, but may work in an ND environment as well. By default, OpenBooks is installed to the default server and port and the script assumes admin security is disabled. If you need to target a specific server and/or have security enabled, there are command line variables you can use to specify these details. The script is currently all or nothing, so if you specify one, you must specify all. For example:
$ /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ws_ant -Dbuild.mode=jee -Dappserver=was -Dwas.home=/opt/WebSphere/AppServer -Dwas.server=localhost -Dwas.port=8880 -Dwas.conntype=SOAP -Dwas.user=myuser -Dwas.password=mypassword
This invocation will install OpenBooks on the local machine with the profile serviced by SOAP admin port 8880 with the specified credentials. The script creates a new Derby data source (which is also configured to create a new database if it doesn't exist) by default, but if you are data source savvy you can easily configure the OpenBooks Data Source and OpenBooks Non-transactional Data Source to point at your own database. Assuming your build and install was successful, point your browser at http://